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عنوانعنوان نشریهنویسندگان
Implementation of Nordsieck second derivative methods for stiff ODEsApplied Numerical MathematicsA. Abdi-G. Hojjati
High order second derivative methods with Runge-Kutta stability for the numerical solution of stiff ODEsIranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and OptimizationA. Abdi-G. Hojjati
Perturbed second derivative multistep methodsJournal of Numerical MathematicsA. K. Ezzeddine-G. Hojjati-A. Abdi
Numerical solution of Volterra integro-differential equations by superimplicit multistep collocation methodsNumerical AlgorithmsS. Fazeli-G. Hojjati
Construction of efficient general linear methods for stiff Volterra integral equationsJournal of Computational and Applied MathematicsA. Abdi-S. Fazeli-G. Hojjati
A hybrid method with optimal stability properties for the numerical solution of stiff differential systemsComputational Methods for Differential EquationsA. Movahedinejad-A. Abdi-G. Hojjati
Second derivative general linear methods with inherent Runge–Kutta stabilityNumerical AlgorithmsA. Movahedinejad-G. Hojjati-A. Abdi
G-symplectic second derivative general linear methods for Hamiltonian problemsJournal of Computational and Applied MathematicsM. Hosseini Nasab-G. Hojjati-A. Abdi
A Class of Methods with Optimal Stability Properties for the Numerical Solution of IVPs: Construction and ImplementationInternational Journal of Computational MethodsM. Hosseini Nasab-G. Hojjati-A. Abdi
Construction of Nordsieck Second Derivative General Linear Methods with Inherent Quadratic StabilityMathematical Modelling and AnalysisA. Movahedinejad-G. Hojjati-A. Abdi
Efficient general linear methods for a class of Volterra integro-differential equationsApplied Numerical MathematicsH. Mahdi-A. Abdi-G. Hojjati
Construction of Implicit–Explicit Second-Derivative BDF MethodsBulletin of the Iranian Mathematical SocietyN. Yousefzadeh-G. Hojjati-A. Abdi1
Symmetric second derivative integration methodsJournal of Computational and Applied MathematicsM. Hosseini Nasab-A. Abdi-G. Hojjati
Efficient second derivative methods with extended stability regions for non-stiff IVPsComputational and Applied MathematicsN. Barghi Oskouie-A. Abdi-G. Hojjati
Some efficient Nordsieck integration methods for IVPsIranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and OptimizationN. Barghi Oskouie-A. AbdiG. Hojjati
A new code for Volterra integral equations based on natural Runge-Kutta methodsApplied Numerical MathematicsA. Abdi-G. Hojjati-Z. Jackiewicz-H. Mahdi
On the numerical stability of the general linear methods for Volterra integro-differential equationsApplied Numerical MathematicsH. Mahdi-Hojjati-A. Abdi
Explicit General Linear Methods with a Large Stability Region for Volterra Integro-differential EquationsMathematical Modelling and AnalysisH. Mahdi-G. Hojjati-A. Abdi
Second derivative two-step collocation methods for ordinary differential equationsApplied Numerical MathematicsS. Fazeli-G. Hojjati
Projection of Second Derivative Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations with InvariantsBulletin of the Iranian Mathematical SocietyA. Abdi-G. Hojjati