
Showing 1-20 of 59 items.
#TitleAuthorsDegreeRoleDefend LocationDefended At
1Effects of 12 weeks chess based training in time pressure on electroencephalography indices and skills in chess playersMr. Asghar GolizadehPhdSupervisorFaculty of Physicalm Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz19 February 2024
2The effect of sportwear on hemorheological, inflammatory, muscle damage and psychophysical factors in female futsal players subsequent of a futsal matchhMrs. Kosar PourabbasMS.SupervisorFaculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences17 January 2024
3The effect of four-week high intensity interval training with lycopene supplementation on some salivary oxidative stress indices in obese adolescence boysMr. Mohammad AzimiMS.SupervisorFaculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences21 September 2023
4The effects of 12 weeks concurrent training on genes expression of inflammatory/anti-inflammatory mediators PBMC in postmenopausal women with breast cancer riskCMiss Maryam HeidarianPhdSupervisorFaculty of Physicalm Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz20 September 2023
5The effect of six weeks pilates and functional training on physical fitness factors in inactive adolescent girlsMiss Vahideh HajiMohammadiMS.SupervisorFaculty of Physicalm Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz17 September 2023
6Evaluation of the physical activity and nutrition status of female high school students in Tabriz during the corona virus epidemicMrs. Khadijeh FarrokhiMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz28 September 2022
7The acute and chronic effect of magnesium supplementation on electromyographic indices of muscle fatigue and some indices of anaerobic function subsequent of intense exercise in active womenMiss Maedeh EbadiMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz20 September 2022
8The effect of short and long-term magnesium supplementation on anaerobic power, pain perception, muscle damage indices and fatigue in active womenMIss Mahsa Abbasi-MehrMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz06 September 2022
9The effect of women futsal sport wear in matches on hydration status, performance and psychophysical indicesMiss Zahra AhmadiMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz15 February 2022
10Comparison of eight weeks jump roping and dance on body composition and athletic performance in overweight teenager girlsMrs. Arezu GhodratiMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz28 September 2021
11The effect of six weeks of high intensity functional training with different frequency of sessions on performance indices in inactive young girlsMiss Fatemeh NafehMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz21 September 2021
12The comparison of four weeks pomegranate extract supplementation on some oxidative stress and functional indices in aerobic training in young active malesMiss Neda Alizadeh KhamenehMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz07 September 2021
13Effect of sport drink consumption in pre and post simulated competition on fast recovery in female kickboxer, Miss Fatemeh BaghbanMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz22 February 2021
14The effect of four-week cross-fir exercises along with education and control diet on body composition, lipid profile and performance indices in overweight and obese malesMr. Hesan DonyaparastMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz17 February 2021
15The effect of six weeks Loughborough intermittent shuttle test (LIST) training on some muscle damage indices, aerobic and anaerobic power in female soccer playersMrs. Masoumeh Rostami RadMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz16 February 2021
16Effect of four weeks pilates training and chia seed supplementation with intermittent caloric restriction (ICR) on some oxidative stress biomarkers, body composition and balance in overweight inactive middle aged womenMiss Maryam MastooriMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz15 February 2021
17The effets of high intensity interval training (HIIT) and continuous training with intermittent calorie restriction on expression of miR-146a and IL-6 and TNf? concentration in obese femaleMrs. Seyyedeh Farideh IraqiPhdSupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz20 October 2020
18Effect of 8-week cardio-pilates training with D3 supplementation on performance, body composition and cardiovascular parameters in overweight and obese women with hypertentionMrs. Susan Abolghasemi FakhriMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz15 September 2020
19Effect of six weeks HIIT and chia supplementation on Alpha TNF and MDA content in soleus muscle of model type 2 diabetes wistar ratsMiss Seyedeh Ayda BaghzarMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz20 January 2020
20Effect of eight weeks high intensity interval training (HIIT) and continuous training combind with intermittent calorie restriction (ICR) on inflammatory indices and lipid profiles in overweight womenMiss Nazila ParnianMS.SupervisorDept. of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz19 February 2019