Relationship between social factors with promotion of women to management position in sports organizations

نویسندگانYahqub BadriAzrin ,Sajjad Pashaie
نشریهNew Approaches in Exercise Physiology (NAEP)
شماره صفحات17-32
شماره مجلد3
نوع مقالهOriginal Research
تاریخ انتشار2021
رتبه نشریهISI
نوع نشریهالکترونیکی
کشور محل چاپایران

چکیده مقاله


Background: The aim of this study has been to investigate the relationship between social factors and the promotion of women to management position in sport organizations in Iran. Method: Regarding the objective, this study is practical and regarding the method of implementation, it is descriptive, the population of this research in 2021, includes all the staff of the Youth and Sports Office of West Azerbaijan of Iran up to 216 people. Using Morgan’s tables 136 subjects were selected through stratified random sampling as the sample. In order to collect data, the questionnaires of social factors of the promotion of women to management positions were used, the validity of which was confirmed by experts and its reliability was obtained to be 0.86 through Cronbach's alpha test. Results: The results indicate that there is a positive significant relationship between gender and gender discrimination and women’s promotion to the position of management in sport organizations. In addition, there is also a positive significant relationship between the elimination of conflict between work and family and also family support and women’s promotion to manage mint positions in sports organizations. Conclusions: However, it appears that women are still faced with gender equity issues in sports governance, athletic media representation, and perception in sports. Therefore, the field of sport management should continue to work towards a level of quality that truly treats women as equals, offers them equal opportunity, and permits them to feel equal in sport management and athletic participation.

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tags: Social Factors, Promotion, Women, Sports Organizations.