Mahmood Mohassel Feghhi


DegreeGraduated inMajorUniversity
BSc2006Electrical Engineering - TelecommunicationsIran University of Science & Technology (IUST)
MSc2009Electrical Engineering - Communication SystemsIran University of Science & Technology (IUST)
Ph.D2015Electrical Engineering - Communication SystemsUniversity of Tehran - College of Engineering

Employment Information

Faculty/DepartmentPosition/RankEmployment TypeCooperation TypeGrade
Faculty of Electrical & Computer EngineeringAssociate ProfessorTenuredFull Time

Work Experience

No. Institute Name Job Title Work Place Begin Date End Date
1 University of Tabriz Editor of "Journal of Advanced Signal Processing" Jan. 2017 Until Now
2 University of Tabriz Manager of "TABRIZ JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (TJEE)" Jul. 2017 Until Now
3 University of Tabriz Workshops Co-Chair Iranian Conference on Electrical Eng. (ICEE 2020) Aug. 2019 Sep. 2020
4 University of Tabriz Representative of Iranian Society of Cryptology University of Tabriz Oct. 2019 Until Now
5 University of Tabriz Executive Manager of "Journal of Advanced Signal Processing" Jul. 2020 Until Now
6 4th West Asian Symposium on Optical and Millimeter-wave Wireless Communications (WASOWC2022) Chair of Scientific Committee Tabriz, Iran ( May 2021 May 2022
7 University of Tabriz Director-in-Charge "Journal of Advanced Signal Processing" University of Tabriz - Sep. 2021 Until Now
8 National Conferences Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member (1) ICCE 2018 (2) ICEE 2020 (3) ICCE 2021 (4) Radar 2021 2018 2021
9 International Conferences Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member (1) MCWCN 2020 (2) DaMi 2021 (3) WASOWC2022 (4) CSIP 2022 2020 2022
No. Honor Name Export Place Year
1 Ranked 2nd among Mathematics and Physics students in high school Sheikh Mofid High School
2 Ranked 1st among Mathematics and Physics students in pre-university school. Sheikh Mofid Pre-university School
3 Scored within the top 1% in the Iran Nationwide Universities Entrance Exam (Konkoor) for Engineering majors and offered a position in IUST University, which is one of the top-5 engineering universities in Iran. National Organization of Educational Testing 2001
4 Ranked 2nd among all the students of the IUST and entitled as “Outstanding Student” in the National University Entrance Examination Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST) 2001
5 Received “Educational Elite B.Sc. Student” Awards in 2001, 2002 and 2005. IUST Administration Office
6 Ranked 2nd among M.Sc. students of communication systems engineering at Iran University of Science and Technology. Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST)
7 Received “Educational Elite M.Sc. Student” Award. IUST Administration Office 2007
No. Institute Name Course Title Level Begin Date End Date
1 University of Tabriz Optical Communication Systems BSc 2018 Until Now
2 University of Tabriz Information Theory MSc 2017 Until Now
3 University of Tabriz Simulation of Communication Systems MSc 2018 Until Now
4 University of Tabriz Advanced Information Theory PhD 2019 Until Now
5 University of Tabriz Quantum Communications PhD 2019 Until Now
6 University of Tabriz Cloud Computing PhD 2019 Until Now
7 University of Tabriz Fundamentals of Internet of Things (IoT) BSc 2021 Until Now
8 University of Tabriz Optimization for Data Science PhD 2021 Until Now
9 University of Tabriz Engineering Probability and Statistics BSc 2021 Until Now
10 University of Tabriz Research & Technical Presentation BSc 2022 Until Now
11 University of Tabriz Wideband Communication Systems PhD 2022 Until Now
12 University of Tabriz Electric Circuits II BSc 2016 Until Now
13 University of Tabriz Satellite Communications BSc 2016 Until Now
14 University of Tabriz Engineering Probability BSc 2016 Until Now
15 University of Tabriz Principles of Communication Systems BSc 2016 Until Now
16 University of Tabriz Advanced Communication Theory MSc 2016 Until Now
17 University of Tabriz MSC Seminar MSc 2017 Until Now
18 University of Tabriz Convex Optimization PhD 2017 Until Now
19 University of Tabriz Applied Cryptography MSc 2022 Until Now

Research Activities

No. Status Title Date Place
1 Comited Satellite Signaling 2016 Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University
2 Comited The 5G: Recent Achievements in Information Theory 2018 University of Tabriz
3 Comited

Communication Systems with Energy Harvesting Nodes:

Opportunities and Challenges

2016 University of Tabriz
4 Comited

Age of Information: A new metric for optimizing the throughput

and the delay in wireless networks

Aug. 2020 28th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2020)
5 Comited

Toward Smart Radio Environment:

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Wireless Communications

2021 University of Tabriz
No. Association Name Start Date Place/Country
1 IEEE 2008 USA
2 Iranian Society of Engineering Education (ISEE) 2015 IRAN
3 Iranian Society of Cryptology (ISC) 2019 IRAN
4 Iranian Association of Electrical Engineering 2019 IRAN