Optimal Energy Trading Strategy for Proactive DISCO considering Demand Response Programs in the distribution networks

نویسندگانMohammadreza Daneshvar, Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam
همایشCIGRE Symposium 2019
تاریخ برگزاری همایش2019
محل برگزاری همایشAalborg -Denmark
نوع ارائهسخنرانی
سطح همایشبین المللی

چکیده مقاله

With the significant advances in renewable energy resources technology along with the considerable growing of energy markets in recent years, the distribution companies have been developed to deliver energy for the consumers in a reliable manner. Currently, the energy trading issue is considered as an effective tool in achieving the profit for all participants in the energy market environment. In this regard, various strategies are proposed and used for different goals such as maximizing the distribution company’s (DISCO) profit in smart grid researches, which the maximum profit of the market participants is not simultaneously realized very well based on the strategies applied by a majority of them. Therefore, this paper proposes optimal energy trading strategy for minimizing the energy cost of proactive DISCO using demand response capabilities in the energy exchanging market. In this study, demand components including elastic and inelastic of them will be contributed in determining the demand response potential and capability. We will employ the wind turbine and PV panels as the distributed generation (DG) throughout the network for supporting the power imbalances between the DA and RT powers. Finally, standard IEEE 10 bus test system is chosen for proving the effectiveness of the proposed optimal strategy model.

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