Authors | Mohammadreza Daneshvar, Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam |
Journal | IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy |
IF | 8.8 |
Paper Type | Full Paper |
Published At | 2023-06-20 |
Journal Grade | ISI (WOS) |
Journal Type | Typographic |
Journal Country | United States |
Journal Index | WOS (JCR) |
The day-by-day increment in the demand for diverse types of energy together with the CO 2 -based climate concerns has intensified the need for innovative decarbonization plans leading the energy sector to produce clean, cost-effective, and reliable multi-energy. Herein, inevitable water and power interactions unlock significant benefits for the integrated energy network in the form of water-energy nexus models. In this work, a holistic water-energy nexus model is developed for the operation of cooperative prosumers equipped with 100% renewables in the modern interconnected energy structure. The model is empowered by the transactive energy technology to allow prosumers to cooperatively share multi-energy with each other for reliably serving power and water in a deregulated environment. The proposed model also benefits from hydrogen-based energy conversion units that not only improve the flexibility of prosumers in reliable energy supply but also increase their economic achievements by selling the produced gas to the gas grid. As prosumers are targeted for fully clean energy production, their contributions in the energy interactions are under the high level of risks associated with renewables' intermittences. Due to this, a risk-averse stochastic operational model is proposed that enables the decision-maker to adopt optimal strategies against the uncertain fluctuations in the system. The effectiveness of the proposed model is examined considering prosumers located in Chicago, USA. According to the obtained results, the model can affordably facilitate the realization of Chicago's plans for achieving the goal of equipping with 100% renewable energy sources for a fully clean multi-energy generation.