Authors | Mohammadreza Daneshvar, Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Kazem Zare |
Journal | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid |
IF | 9.6 |
Paper Type | Full Paper |
Published At | 2022-10-31 |
Journal Grade | ISI (WOS) |
Journal Type | Typographic |
Journal Country | United States |
Journal Index | WOS (JCR) |
The ever-growing multi-vector systems along with the penetration of renewable energy sources (RESs) entail significant changes for shifting from centralized, isolated, and passive structures to potentially distributed, hybrid, and autonomous modern multi-vector energy grids (MVEGs). This paper proposes a transactive energy (TE) solution for the techno-environmental-economic operation of multi-carrier multi-microgrids (MCMs) with 100% RESs by co-optimizing power and gas grids. Indeed, TE is advanced for making a fair economic model by developing the free multi-energy sharing area (MESA) for MCMs to allow them to exchange energy with the aim of pursuing their technical, environmental, and economic goals. As 100% RESs bring severe uncertainties in the energy production sector, appropriately modeling such stochastic variations is a necessary step for obtaining realistic results in exploring the overall system. Thereby, the stochastic conditional value at risk (CVaR) technique is developed to model the risk of MCMs presence in energy interactions, in which scenario generation and reduction are performed by applying the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average and fast forward selection methods. The problem is cast into a tractable mixed-integer linear programming by properly linearizing AC power flow and nonlinear gas equations that allows the system to extract confident results. The coupled structure of the modified IEEE 33-bus and 14-node gas systems is used as the test system for verifying the effectiveness of the proposed model. The results show the applicability of the proposed model in reliably integrating 100% RESs as well as procuring a fair condition for MCMs in the hybrid structure of the energy grid.