Two-stage optimal robust scheduling of hybrid energy system considering the demand response programs

AuthorsMohammadreza Daneshvar, Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Kazem Zare
JournalJournal of Cleaner Production
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2020-03-01
Journal GradeISI (WOS)
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryUnited Kingdom
Journal IndexWOS (JCR)


This paper proposes a two-stage robust scheduling model for the optimal operation of the solar-wind-hydropower-thermal-pumped storage (SWHTP) system considering both energy and reserve markets in the competitive environment. Day-ahead energy costs are intended in the first stage of the proposed model while the second stage considers the worst-case energy dispatch costs. Optimal scheduling of the reserve and energy markets is conducted to ensure the energy balance in the presence of the stochastic producers. Uncertainty modeling is also carried out by considering the worst occurrence of wind speed using the robust optimization method. Moreover, the demand response program’s capability is used due to the flexibility of some loads. The modified IEEE 5-bus and 24-bus test systems are selected for analyzing the effectiveness of the proposed model. Simulation results proved the success of the proposed model in meeting the electricity demand with minimum energy costs and maximum usage of the clean energy resource’s potential. Given the numerical results, increasing 27.04% in the amount of operation costs considering the worst occurrence of the wind speed concludes that enhancing the robustness of the system in the presence of uncertainties will increase the total costs of the system. Moreover, applying the demand response program for improving the flexibility of the system has been led to 7.48% increment in the system revenue, which indicates that the effective usage of the shiftable and curtailable features of the elastic loads can improve the reliability of continuous energy supply along with total energy costs in the deregulated environment.

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