Authors | Mohammadreza Daneshvar, Behnam Mohammadi-ivatloo, Somayeh Asadi, Sadjad Galvani |
Journal | Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering |
Paper Type | Full Paper |
Published At | 2020-03-01 |
Journal Grade | Scientific - research |
Journal Type | Typographic |
Journal Country | Iran, Islamic Republic Of |
Journal Index | SCOPUS, EBSCO, ISC, Google Scholar |
The considerable development of the electricity market subjects in recent years has provided a complex and more competitive environment for the participants. Each participant in this environment adopts a special strategy to maximize its profit or minimize its energy costs considering the significant constraints. In this paper, a short term optimal scheduling of thermal units, hydropower units, wind turbines, and pumped storage units has been proposed based on the energy market guidelines. The main objective of this research is to minimize the thermal energy production costs considering the uncertainty parameters along with the maximum utilization of clean energy production in the system. In order to evaluate the research goals, IEEE 5-bus standard test system is selected as the case study, which is equipped with both conventional and clean energy resources. In addition, probabilistic behaviors related to energy demand and wind production have been considered. Results proved the effectiveness of this model in minimizing the energy cost of thermal units.