Authors | Mohammadreza Daneshvar, Ali Ahmadian, Ali Diabat, Ali Elkamel |
Journal | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
Presented by | دانشگاه تبریز |
Paper Type | Full Paper |
Published At | 2024-12-31 |
Journal Grade | ISI (WOS) |
Journal Type | Typographic |
Journal Country | United Kingdom |
Journal Index | WOS (JCR) |
By growing the energy generation tendency towards 100% renewable systems in modern energy grids, optimal decision-making has become a fundamental challenge due to the uncontrollable volatilities of renewable energy sources, making their optimal integration hardly feasible. Due to the undeniable dependencies between the water and power sectors, this paper proposes an innovative adaptive robust reinforcement learning decision-making model for the operation of community energy hubs with fully renewable energy sources in the water and power integrated network. The proposed eco-friendly model benefits the reinforcement learning technique for detecting an optimal decision-making strategy for energy hubs as well as empowers both robust and stochastic programming methods for purposeful modeling uncertainties in the system. Given the equipping of energy hubs with 100% renewables and the importance of flexibility in their interactions, a novel twofold ancillary service framework is developed to allow energy hubs to simultaneously benefit transactive energy management and demand response schemes. After conducting a simulation on the modified IEEE 33-bus test system, the results denoted a 17.03% reduction in the total cost when all hubs are operated under the proposed model than the traditional one. Moreover, the results assessment discovered that as uncertainty quantification gives a realistic overview to the decision-maker for making purposeful decisions, it imposes 8.96% more costs in comparison with the basic state of the system without uncertainty modeling. In addition to economic advantages, satisfying technical and environmental goals proved the effectiveness of the suggested model in optimally integrating renewables fully into the interconnected energy structure.